About Us

We're the Morrows - Levi, Krysti, Charlie and Noah - and we're thankful you landed here.
Levi grew up in Southeast Ohio on a row crop, cattle and hay farm. He works as an Agriculture Education teacher at our local high school and thrives on the farm. He has a knack for keeping the numbers straight in every aspect of the farm; finances, lamb crops, pounds of seed needed per mix or number of hay bales made. He graduated with a degree in AgriBusiness from The Ohio State University and spends his mornings and late evenings learning all he can about our latest project.

Krysti grew up in Bowling Green, OH and was involved in 4-H and FFA throughout her high school years but didn't grow up on a farm. She is passionate about sharing life on the farm with her friends and family. She is also the behind the scenes person in all aspects of our social media, videos, and website. She and the boys take care of the day to day needs of the sheep and farm throughout the year.
Our small 36 acres of land have had quite the life so far. At different times, we have farmed row crops - corn and soybeans - pumpkins, vegetables, hay, sheep, strawberries and cattle since we began in 2016. We're learning everyday about our land, how we can best take care of it and how it can provide more efficiently for our family. That has meant trying new things until we've found something that fit and that's sheep. We enjoy each day caring for the sheep and the land.
"We're just trying to take as best care of the farm as we can so that
down the road we can leave it to our boys if they want it." - Levi
In the News
Small farms and accelerated marketing have a unique role to play in the ag industry.
We have tried many things since 2016 but we're sticking with sheep.
Giving back to our community has always been a priority for us. This project was a great opportunity.
News coverage of the 2024 Ohio drought impacting farmers in Southeast Ohio. By Meteorologist Nick Dunn, WHIO TV Dayton Channel 7